(asterism, n: 1. a small group of stars; 2. a
star-shaped figure
exhibited in some crystals by reflected light)
by david ulansey
among the random stars
we seek
the hieroglyph of light.
sunset beyond summer,
whispered signs in the deeper wood,
paths to the clearing
in the center of the rain,
river of soft metal and of leaves--
do we stand
among the fragments of ourselves,
never finding the message
that we sent?
tonight the wind
bears to us
the fragrance of the stars.
we are reflections
of each other
in the broken mirror
of the heart.
though my love
is far away,
every night
the same stars
shine on us both.
tonight my love
is so far away
that above her
the stars shine,
while above me
clouds darken the sky.
how slowly the seasons
turn in the wind
watching themselves fall.....
when will they lie still again,
taking their rest
in the shadow of
the last tree?
tonight the fireflies
are more numerous
than the stars.
does this mean
we have lost our way?
we sow fallen leaves
in each others' eyes
to gather someday
from our frozen tears
a harvest of suns.
summer has gone,
yet there remains
a blue flower:
the autumn sky.
will we ever understand
what happened
the first time
we looked in each others' eyes?
today the sky
was so clear
that for a moment
it ceased to be blue.
and we who rest
in the steepled turning
of the dark-eyed night,
extinct birds will guide us
like broken stars
to the lost house
of the future.
among the branches
the wind rustles
the autumn stars.
as sometimes
the moon appears
in the sunlit sky,
so sometimes
in the daily round
i think of you.
trees planted in rows
by the river, cascade
of light and flowers,
we move through our silences
like faces that no one remembers:
do you recognize
the invisible smile?
tomorrow the sun
will look the same
as it does today:
but you will be gone.
leaves change colors
just before they fall.
does something in us change
just before
we fall in love?
there is no such thing
as a perfect plum blossom:
each has its flaws.
but how sweet
the fragrance!
tonight the sky
is so clear
that all things
become stars.
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